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Dong-Woo Lee | Chief Executive Officer

  • CEO of Bybyecar Co., Ltd. Representative: Database and online service operations, as well as computer programming services.

  • RoboAssetGrid Co., Ltd.: Manufacture and development of optical sensor smart meters.

Hak-Jae Jung | Chief Operating Officer

  • Operation Manager for Bybyecar Project

  • Electronic component retail, development of large touch subcontracting. Other subcontracting related to display

  • Nexdisplay (Lead Researcher): Pre-development, team leader for battlefield display development, technical planning

  • TOVIS Co., Ltd. (Senior Researcher): Mobile LCM development, flexible display development, development of large display modules

Sun-Jung Kim | Chief Financial Officer

  • Finance Manager for Bybyecar Project

  • IMac Partners, Inc.: Project Executive Director, Partner

  • POSCO Venture Partners: Mentor in charge of reviewing and fostering

  • CDSE&E: Vice President, Planning Management

  • CDS Technology: Director, Management Planning and Management

  • TIG Global: Director, Project Executive Director

  • Marketing Manager for Bybyecar Project

  • Bachelor of Chinese Language and Literature, Dongguk University

  • Mystic Story: Management and promotion, marketing

Last updated